
Google Docs

Page history last edited by Mr. Bill Campbell 11 years, 9 months ago



Google Docs is a collection of applications offered for free by Google. Google Docs has all of the basic functionality of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. There are a couple of major advantages to Google Docs above standard Office applications:

  1. Easier Sharing -- You can have multiple people work on a Google doc regardless of where they are (home or school). All you need to edit a Google doc is a web browser and an Internet connection. Additionally, you can have multiple people working simultaneously on a Google doc. They can even chat about the document as they work through a small messaging window.
  2. Revision Tracking -- Google docs lets you view the changes made to a document over time and revert to an earlier version.
  3. Alert updates -- you can subscribe to receive email alerts (for spreadsheet documents) when a Google doc changes. You can also subscribe to an RSS feed of changes.




How do I backup a copy of Google Docs to my computer?

These steps will create a zip file of your Google Docs document, which you can then save to your computer's D drive in a variety of formats.

  1. Login in to Google Docs.
  2. Select a document using the check box.
  3. Click on More actions.
  4. Choose Export... 


  1. Choose All items 
  2. Specify download formats and note types (such as Drawing) that will be skipped if you don't select a format. 
  3. Click Download 
  4. Follow the on-screen directions to wait until the files are zipped and ready for download.



What is the difference between Home and All Items in the navigation pane? 

Home lists all of your files and docs except those in Trash and items you have explicitly set to "Don't show in home". All Items includes everything not in Trash including docs hidden from Home. See the section "Left-hand navigation pane" on this Google Help page for more information.


How do I re-associate my personal Google account with a non-DE email address?

Here is a link to a Google Docs page that explains how to re-associate your personal Google account with a new email address:



How Is Space on Google Docs Managed, and How Do I Get More Room?

Here is a good link that explains how Google manages storage space, including a link to buy more of it:



Note that if you have never purchased from Google using your d-e.org account, you will need to setup your Google Wallet account BEFORE you try to purchase additional space.  To do this go to Google Wallet, sign-in using your d-e.org account, and enter your payment information. Then you can follow the link to purchase additional space.  (If you don't setup your Wallet account first, your browser will probably hang when you try to make the purchase.)


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