Login -- (please read carefully)
1.) Go to http://picasaweb.google.com
2.) Enter your D-E email Address as the username
4.) Click Continue. This will take you to a Whipple Hill login screen.
5.) Login the way you would normally login to Whipple Hill
**People who do not have a Dwight-Englewood email address may have to create a google account if they don't already have one in order to view and share pictures in Picasa.
In February of 2011, several members of the D-E community traveled to schools in the Philadelphia and New England areas to see what other schools had recently done in the construction of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math buildings. Members of this group took many photos, and plan to use Picasa to share and comment on these photos.
Viewing STEM Benchmarking Albums
Once an album has been shared with you, you will receive an email from Picasa telling you that you have been granted access.
In the email, there will be a link to "View Album."
When you click on this, you will be prompted to login to Picasa if you have not done so already. Follow the instructions above to login.
After you have accessed the album, you can add comments on any of the pictures you want.
Posting your own Photos to STEM Benchmarking Albums
In the email you receive announcing that an album has been shared with you, you will also see a link to "Contribute Photos to this Album."
If you click on this link, you will see a page that allows you to upload five pictures at a time.
If you are already viewing the album, you can also click on the "Add Photos" button from within the Album view.
Finding Albums When you Don't have the eMail with the Link
You can always get back to shared albums even if you don't have the link anymore.
Once you are logged into Picasa Web Albums, click on the People tab.
Then click on People I'm Following
Click on the name of the owner of the album. - Note that Trevor is the owner of all of the STEM albums
This will display all of the albums that this person has shared with you.
Bulk Uploading (Advanced)
If you are using the Picasa software installed on your local machine, you can upload an entire folder of pictures at a time either to your own album or to an album that has been shared with you from another person.
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