
DeMail - Mobile Phones

Page history last edited by Mr. Bill Campbell 10 years, 6 months ago Saved with comment

How to connect your mobile phone to DE eMail - Powered by Google


Personal Blackberry

To Connect a Blackberry that you own to DeMail --

Download the gMail app for Blackberry to get your mail

Download Google Sync to your blackberry and configure it to synchronize your calendar(s) and contacts


iPhone / iPod / iPad

To Connect Your iPhone / ipod / ipad to DeMail --

Follow these instructions


To add all your D-E calendars Follow these instructions


If your account says your password is incorrect please go here and try to enter captcha code  https://www.google.com/a/d-e.org/UnlockCaptcha


Android phone or tablet

  1. Add a Google account to your phone using your D-E email address (e.g. doej@d-e.org) and network password. Directions for adding a Google account are available at Google Mobile help page on Adding and Removing accounts.
  2. Use the Gmail app provided with your device (not the app called Email) to access email.
    • Adding your D-E account to your phone will also allow you to access your D-E calendar and contacts.


Note: If you receive a login or "You don't have a network connection" error multiple time whiles trying to add your D-E account (and you are positive that you used the correct email address/password and do have a network connection), this workaround may solve your problem:

  1. Get the YouTube app by Google from the Market if not already installed on your phone.
  2. Sign in to the YouTube app using your DEmail address and password. (You may have to use your computer to create a YouTube account and associate it with your phone.).
  3. After a successful login (or possibly even after a login that fails when you try to enter the CAPTCHA text), your DE Google account will be added to your phone.
  4. Go to Settings > Accounts and sync, and enable synchronization with the newly-created account.

(source of fix)


Other mobile devices

Additional device specific instructions is available at Google's Mobile Help page.



iOS (iPad/iPhone/iPod)

  • If your device or the Mail app repeatedly prompts for the Exchange password for your DE mail account even after you are 100% sure you entered it correctly, login to your your DE mail account the Safari app on your device or a computer then try to enter the password again.
    • If you are no longer automatically prompted for your email password, you can go to the Settings app on your device, choose choose Mail, Contacts, Calendars, select your DE Mail account, then tap on Account (under Exchange).

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